Brain Canada and Heart & Stroke are excited to announce the recipients of the Personnel Awards for Black Scholars. These new awards aim to promote strategic growth in heart and brain health science within Black communities by supporting Black students to pursue their post graduate studies.

9 students are being supported in pursuing their post graduate studies. We are pleased to celebrate the following successful applicants.


MSc Students

Swanston, Adelaide (Wilfrid Laurier University)

The Experience of Pain for Black Women with Postpartum Depression

Musse, Mahad (Women’s College Hospital)

Cardio-Rheumatology: Impact of Social Determinants of Health

Hopkinson, Zhanne (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

Evaluating the impact of the chemical environment generated by hypoxic/ischemic cardiac cells on healthy Purkinje Fibres.

Obeng Nkrumah, Samuel (Dalhousie University)

Psychological health and wellness among medical doctors in Canada and the impact of the Wellness4MDs supportive text messaging program.

PhD Students

Ezeugwa, Joy (University of Alberta)

Enhancing walking recovery after stroke through a 24-hour behaviour change approach

Majoni, Tawanda (University Health Network)

Investigating the optimal reactive balance training intensity in chronic stroke patients

Crichlow, Gabrielle (University of Western Ontario)

Getting to Heart of the Matter – Social Determinants of Health, Behaviour Change and Cardiovascular Disease: A Phenomenological Study

Maluach, Alfred (University of Ottawa)

Monitoring and Modulation of Alpha Synuclein in Microglia: Implications for Parkinson’s Disease

Atser, Michael (University of British Columbia)

Investigating the role of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase I in Cardiac Metabolism and Function