One Brain

For over 20 years, Brain Canada’s purpose has been to understand the brain, in health and illness, with a One Brain approach – where the brain is a single, complex system with commonalities across neurological disorders, mental illnesses, and brain injuries, rather than as a collection of siloed diseases.

hands holding brain

Hosted together by McGill University’s Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives and Brain Canada, The Amazing Brain Science Talks featured thought-provoking discussions led by Canadian brain health experts and people with lived experience. Topics ranged from neurodiversity and anxiety to the benefits of sleep and exercise.

Our Projects

Brain Canada’s rigorous scientific review process gives donors and partners a trusted mechanism to ensure projects are chosen based on merit, innovation, and potential for impact.

$366+ million invested

607+ grants awarded

How you can help

Brain Canada funds the very best Canadian neuroscience, fostering collaborative research and accelerating the pace of discovery, in order to improve the health and quality of life of Canadians who suffer from brain disorders.