Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the Upcoming Federal Budget 2025

A platform for partnership to improve brain health: Amplifying and accelerating brain research, for the benefit of all Canadians

This brief presents our case for ongoing, sustained investment into the platform for partnership that Brain Canada has established to address the most pressing health challenge we face: our brain health.

Brain Canada received renewed funding in Budget 2024 for CBRF to build on its successful track record over the next four years. 

Recommendation 1:

That the Government of Canada make brain research a national priority and establish a dedicated, sustained financial commitment to fund it, to improve health outcomes and quality of life for people in Canada. 

Recommendation 2:

With a long-term view to understanding and treating neurological conditions, ultimately improving health outcomes for people living with brain conditions, the Government of Canada ensures its dedicated financial commitment to brain research is supported across the research pipeline, from fundamental research to clinical trials, to knowledge mobilization, across the lifespan from neurodevelopment to neurodegeneration, and across brain conditions including mental illness. 

Recommendation 3:

As part of the commitment to funding brain research, the Government of Canada establish an investment strategy to develop, retain, and enhance the diversity of the brain research labour force, including trainees, highly qualified personnel, and early career researchers, who are crucial to advancing brain research, and to developing solutions with great social and economic benefit to Canada. 

Brain Canada’s impact by the numbers

  • A total envelope of $400 million awarded for 600 brain research projects across the country
  • More than 100 partners and donors convened
  • 1,090 students, trainees, and highly qualified personnel engaged
  • 2,140 peer-reviewed publications, cited 66,600 times in subsequent research
  • Over 70 patents, licenses, and IP rights registrations and a dozen spin-off companies generated
  • In 2023-24 alone, 2,774 people participating in innovative interventions via 20 Brain Canada-funded clinical trials