Research will shed light on how to reduce and prevent death and serious illness from heart conditions and stroke in women

Women experience distinct heart disease and stroke symptoms and risk factors that remain under-researched and misunderstood. With these new investments, we’re closing the gap and moving toward a future where all women receive the high-quality heart and brain health care they need.

Today, the Honourable Mark Holland, Minister of Health, announced that the Government of Canada and partners, Heart & Stroke and Brain Canada, are investing $10M to establish two new national research networks for women’s heart and brain health.

“We know that women can have conditions that affect them disproportionately or differently, like heart disease and stroke, but these conditions remain under-researched and misunderstood. By investing in these research networks, we can fill persistent knowledge, practice and policy gaps in women’s heart and stroke health – so women across Canada can get the care they need.”

The Honourable Mark Holland
Minister of Health

The networks will be led by Dr. Rohan D’Souza at McMaster University, whose team will create a Canada-wide collaboration aimed at reducing deaths and serious illness from heart conditions during and between pregnancies, and Dr. Amy Yu at the Sunnybrook Research Institute whose team will work on improving evaluation, diagnosis, and outcomes of stroke in women across Canada.

Read the Full Release from the Government of Canada.