Directory of funded grants

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617 results found

Generating expanded repeats in the C9ORF72 ortholog in zebrafish

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

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  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    ALS Canada - Brain Canada Discovery Grants

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  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Over the past several years, zebrafish have proven to be a valuable model to study motor neuron degeneration and search for new treatments. To date, several key mutations that cause ALS in humans (SOD1, TDP-43, FUS, etc.) have been introduced to zebrafish resulting in motor neuron dysfunction and and paralysis.…

Pathogenic mechanisms of C9ORF72 repeat expansion in ALS and development of therapeutics

  • Grant Type

    Capacity building grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    ALS Canada-Brain Canada Career Transition Award

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Dr. Patten started his research career as a PhD student at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Dr. Declan Ali in 2004. There he trained in electrophysiology, cell biology and imaging using zebrafish as a model to study neurodevelopment. After publishing several manuscripts on his discoveries and receiving…

Discovery of transcriptomic biomarkers and epigenetic therapeutic targets for c9ALS and sALS

  • Grant Type

    Capacity building grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    ALS Canada-Brain Canada Career Transition Award

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Dr. Belzil began her research career as a PhD student at the Université de Montréal under the guidance of world renowned geneticist and Director of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Dr. Guy Rouleau. During this time, Dr. Belzil pursued a better understanding of the genetics behind familial/hereditary ALS and…

Characterization of MATR3 Mutations Associated with ALS

  • Grant Type

    Capacity building grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    ALS Canada-Brain Canada Career Transition Award

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

For this project, Dr. Park will examine how abnormalities in RNA binding proteins (RBPs) – in particular, one called Matrin 3 (MATR3) – can lead to ALS. MATR3 was discovered to be a genetic cause of ALS in 2014 and has yet to be studied in any detail. By creating…

Mechanisms of glutamatergic neuronal dysfunction in genetic models of ALS

  • Grant Type

    Capacity building grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    ALS Canada-Brain Canada Career Transition Award

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

This project will focus on comprehensively studying impaired transmission of signals (from the brain) at the location where neurons and muscles meet, called the neuromuscular junction.  Recent evidence from a number of labs has indicated that errors in neurotransmission of signals might be one of the first pathological effects in…