Our History
The Government of Canada renewed funding to Brain Canada in the Federal Budget 2024: Fairness for Every Generation to support the advancement of brain research in this country with a commitment of $80 million over four years.
Brain Canada celebrates 25 years of accelerating, amplifying, and funding brain research.
To date, the Canada Brain Research Fund, matched by Brain Canada Foundation and its donors and partners, has invested more than $280 million in brain research.
The Government of Canada provided a $40 million funding extension for the Canada Brain Research Fund.
Announced in Budget 2019, Health Canada committed an additional $40 million to be matched.
Budget 2016 included an additional $20 million in matching funds for the Canada Brain Research Fund, bringing the total fund to a potential $240 million.
Reached $100 million goal, 18 months ahead of schedule, for a total investment of $200 million.
Changed the name to Brain Canada Foundation to better reflect the focus on the brain, not only neuroscience. Established the Canada Brain Research Fund – a partnership with the government to match $100 million over five years.
Approached the Government of Canada to form a partnership to support brain research.
Rallied health charities to speak with one voice to the government for brain strategy.
Published The Case for Canada’s Increased Investment in Brain Research, which provided a calculation for the economic burden of brain disorders as one grouping.
Launched the Brain Repair program.
What would eventually be called Brain Canada is established under the name NeuroScience Canada Partnership and Foundation.