Dementia Talks! Canada

Join Brain Canada and the Alzheimer Society of Canada for regular online conversations that bring together researchers, people with lived experience, and community members to discuss important issues in dementia.

What is Dementia Talks! Canada?

Stay informed about the latest cutting-edge research in dementia by tuning into Dementia Talks! Canada.

Created by the Alzheimer Society of Canada and Brain Canada, this free online discussion series from 2022 to 2024 features live conversations about research, resources and stories from people with dementia, their caregivers and their families.

Each conversation is available in English or French, ensuring accessibility to a wider audience, and a dedicated period for public questions.

Watch: A conversation on Indigenous Peoples and dementia

Dementia is a growing public health issue for Indigenous people. Research has shown that health disparities faced by Indigenous Peoples are rooted in colonization and ongoing social inequities. These factors may also increase the risk of developing dementia for Indigenous people. On April 16, 2024, a panel met to discuss this important topic.

Watch past editions of Dementia Talks! Canada

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March 20, 2024

By 2050, it is estimated that over 1.7 million Canadians will have dementia – and that roughly 60% of them will be women. How does gender impact dementia risk and symptoms? This March 20, 2024, event offered a free online chat about key facts to know.

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February 14, 2024

The Alzheimer Society of Canada’s 2024 report, The Many Faces of Dementia in Canada, takes a look at how dementia demographics could change in Canada over the next 30 years. During this talk, the report’s author offers insight as to how experiences can vary across Indigeneity, ethnicity, sex, gender, age and other dimensions.

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January 17, 2024

Could Alzheimer’s disease ever be diagnosed with a blood test? How about by analyzing eye tissues or tears? Watch this January 17, 2024, edition about this important topic as we discuss with researchers actively working on in this issue Canada.

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December 13, 2023

In the last edition of Dementia Talks! Canada of 2023, we have an important conversation on research, tips and experiences around travelling with dementia.

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November 22, 2023

In this Dementia Talks! Canada conversation, we discuss the growing need for dementia research and services for people in diverse South Asian communities in Canada.

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October 25, 2023

Research shows that air pollution can increase dementia risk. During this Talk on October 25, we discussed why, and what it means now given Canada’s record wildfire smoke season in 2023.

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September 20, 2023

September is World Alzheimer’s Month. And in this month’s edition of Dementia Talks! Canada, experts discussed some of the top 10 ways to reduce your dementia risk.

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August 10, 2023

Tune into this edition of Dementia Talks! Canada on animal therapy, service dogs, pets & dementia care their as we discuss the positive impacts of animal therapies on the lives of people with dementia, tips, personal stories and more!

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July 24, 2023

Let’s talk exercise as medicine! In this edition of Dementia Talks! Canada, filmed in July 2023, we explored how what’s good for the body is also good for the brain. We also looked at how exercise can reduce dementia risk, boost symptom management and quality of life for people with dementia.

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A panel of experts discussed how different kinds of design — and designers — can improve the lives of people with dementia. Tune in to the recording here.

Happy Chinese family eating
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May 26, 2023

This May 2023 discussion featured leading experts about brain health and dementia care in Chinese communities in Canada. Watch the recording and hear our speakers discuss the need for cultural sensitivity in dementia care, accessing community supports, and more.

Woman with pill box
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April 19, 2023

In this free video from Dementia Talks! Canada, our panel of experts focuses on new types of drugs and therapies now in development for dementia.

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March 22, 2023

A panel of leading Canadian researchers and advocates met on March 22, 2023 to talk about what we know about concussion, brain injury and dementia. They also talked about how to make strides on prevention, where possible.

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February 23, 2023

In this edition of Dementia Talks! Canada we discussed the range of experiences and perspectives of dementia in Black communities in Canada.

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January 2023

In the first discussion of Dementia Talks! Canada of 2023, we have an important conversation on how we can all work to improve dementia support nationwide this year.

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December 2022

In this Dementia Talks! Canada conversation, we explore a range of realities around family and dementia, touching on genetics, family dynamics, holiday gatherings and more.

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November 23, 2022

In this edition of Dementia Talks! Canada, we talk with a professional artist about their work on dementia, discuss the power of art in dispelling dementia stigma, and chat about how creative approaches can improve the lives of people with dementia today.

Coping with social isolation and dementia
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October 26, 2022

In this Dementia Talk, listen to a conversation about innovative ways to cope with social isolation both in and beyond COVID-19 contexts. We also discuss the impact of social isolation on dementia and caregiving.

Creating dementia-friendly spaces
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September 28, 2022

In this free webinar presentation from Dementia Talks! Canada, our panel of experts focus on ways to create dementia-friendly spaces.

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September 14, 2022

Hear from a panel of dementia experts for this 2022 World Alzheimer’s Month edition of Dementia Talks! Canada. Together, we discussed the latest predictions for dementia numbers in Canada according to the Landmark Study – and ways to take action for change right now.

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July 27, 2022

This July 2022 discussion featured people with lived experience of dementia and a researcher. Watch the recording and hear about how new technologies and innovative research are helping people living with dementia connect with others, provide care and live well.

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June 22, 2022

In this important panel, two researchers and a caregiver discussing the unique experiences – and challenges – of people living with dementia and carers who identify as two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and/or other gender identities, expressions and sexual orientations (2SLGBTQIA+).

Growing the conversation on young onset dementia
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May 25, 2022

In this conversation, four people with personal and/or research experiences with young onset dementia in Canada share their knowledge, stories and perspectives.

About the Alzheimer Society of Canada

The Alzheimer Society is Canada’s leading nationwide health charity for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Active in communities across Canada, the Society provides information, programs and services to those living with a diagnosis and their caregivers.

The Alzheimer Society Research Program is Canada’s leading funder of research into better understanding the causes of dementia, improving treatment and care, and towards finding cures. 

About Brain Canada

Brain Canada plays a unique and invaluable role as a national convenor of the community of those who support and advance brain research.

A greater understanding of how the brain works will contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of disorders of the brain, thereby improving the health outcomes of Canadians.

Brain Canada’s main areas of focus are fundraising, granting and strengthening the brain research community.