Directory of funded grants

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617 results found

The Neuro’s Virtual Integrated Patient Platform

  • Grant Type

    Platform grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    2021 Platform Support Grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Patients with neurological disease are understandably frustrated by the lack of meaningful pharmacological treatments for even comparatively common pathologies such as Parkinson’s Disease. One of the common complicating factors for these patients are broad disease labels, such as “Multiple Sclerosis”, which encompass several distinct biological entities under a common but…

The SMART Platform for Advancing Foundational and Translational Neuroscience

  • Grant Type

    Platform grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area

    Alzheimer’sALSMultiple SclerosisParkinson'sStrokeOther

  • Competition

    2021 Platform Support Grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Injuries and diseases of the nervous system have devastating effects. Conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) often gravely compromise activities of vital importance to quality of life, including standing, walking, reaching, grasping, bladder and bowel control, breathing, communication, and…

Developing a digital signature of care-related activities and burden

  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Advancing Research on Care and Outcome Measurement (ARCOM)

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Project Overview

We propose to develop a digital signature that identifies the level of care partner burden associated with person living with dementia (PLWD)/care partner dyads living in the community. This project will use longitudinal data collected in studies using the Collaborative Aging Research Using Technology (CART) Initiative technology platform with care…

Using mobile technology to inform driving decision-making in dementia

  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Advancing Research on Care and Outcome Measurement (ARCOM)

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Project Overview

A major challenge in dementia care is determining the point at which driving becomes significantly compromised for people with dementia (PWD). Although physicians are expected to play a role in the driving decision-making process, many are reluctant to address this topic. Physicians typically rely on cognitive tests to assess fitness-to-drive…

Patient-reported outcome measures for social robots in dementia care

  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Advancing Research on Care and Outcome Measurement (ARCOM)

  • Province

    British Columbia

  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Project Overview

Improving independence and quality of life for persons living with dementia (PLWD) and their care partners can be realized by complementing human care with robotic assistive technologies. Social robots are promising in their potential to support the cognitive health of older adults and are already being deployed in many dementia-specific…