Directory of funded grants

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586 results found

Mind Over Matter Magazine

  • Grant Type

    Knowledge translation grants

  • Area of research

    Knowledge Translation

  • Competition


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  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Mind Over Matter Magazine

  • Grant Type

    Subventions - Transfert de connaissances

  • Area of research

    Knowledge Translation

  • Competition


  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Exploitation of a new pharmacological target for the development and validation of new anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    CQDM - Brain Canada - SynergiQc

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Neuroinflammation has been implicated in a diverse array of degenerative conditions, ranging from Multiple Sclerosis  to  Alzheimer’s  disease.  Dr. Gros and team previously  uncovered genes  that  can  prevent  neuroinflammation  and provide new opportunities for drug discovery for a variety of clinical indications. Here, they propose to specifically inhibit the ubiquitin-specific…

Evaluation of electrical activity as a tumour suppressor in medulloblastoma

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area

    Brain Cancer

  • Competition

    Canadian Cancer Society Innovation Grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Dr. Garzia works on a type of pediatric brain cancer called medulloblastoma. Kids affected by this tumor are either not cured or experience severe side effects due to the aggressive therapy. This proposal explores a possible causative link between altered neural activity and brain tumors. The team hypothesizes that altered…

Systematic assessment of retinal output following optogenetic vision therapy

  • Grant Type

    Capacity building grants

  • Area of research

    Central Nervous System

  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Azrieli Foundation – Brain Canada Early-Career Capacity Building grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Optogenetic strategies - the ability to activate normally light-insensitive neurons with light - are being used in clinical trials to restore light sensitivity to the retina of vision impaired patients. In normally sighted individuals, before visual signals reach the brain, the retina uses its complex circuitry to parse the visual…