We need you

Help us in our quest to convene the brightest minds from coast to coast to coast so we can better understand the brain in illness and health. Together, we are fuelling the most cutting-edge research and making strides that will improve health outcomes for all people in Canada.

Ways to Give

Icon of a finger pressing a donate button

One-time gift

Any gift – large or small – is important. By donating to Brain Canada, you are supporting some of Canada’s boldest explorers and driving brain research forward.

Icon of a calendar with a dollar sign

Monthly gift

Give your gift its full potential by joining The Great Minds, Brain Canada’s circle of monthly donors. An automatic pre-authorized payment will be charged to your credit card each month.

Icon of a heart ribbon

Give in memory or in honour of someone

This type of gift is a meaningful way to honour a loved one and show them you care. It can be for a special occasion (birthday, anniversary or holiday) or just to continue showing your support.

Icon of a dollar sign with an arrow pointing to a heart

Donate securities

A gift of appreciated securities can mean greater tax savings for the donor than an equivalent gift of cash. The process is simple; your financial advisor transfers the securities from your account to a Brain Canada brokerage. Donors are eligible for a tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities at market close on the date of transfer.

Build your legacy with Brain Canada

Icon of two hearts growing as a plant in a pot

Planned Giving

A legacy gift is a demonstration of your belief in the continuity of the charities that you care about and want to support for generations to come.  It is a way to leave a lasting mark by supporting the charity of your choice.  Regardless of age or wealth, all of us have the ability to leave a legacy.

How it works
There are several options available to make a legacy gift.  The legacy gift can be structured to fit your family and financial objectives. 

Some planned giving strategies are:

  • Bequest in a will
  • Gift of assets
  • Gift of life insurance
  • Donor-advised funds

Learn more about legacy gifts and to determine how to make the most meaningful legacy gift for you.

BrainCanada Forms of Giving donation type chart

Legacy giving resources

Icon of two figures holding hands

Corporate partnerships

There are many ways employers and their teams can support Brain Canada. Corporate donations, employee donation matches, employee giving programs or workplace fundraisers are all trusted giving options for corporations.

How you can help

Brain Canada funds the very best Canadian neuroscience, fostering collaborative research and accelerating the pace of discovery, in order to improve the health and quality of life of Canadians who suffer from brain disorders.

Illustration of a brain