Directory of funded grants

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617 results found

Identification of novel genes causing intracranial aneurysms

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Heart and Stroke Foundation Grant-in-Aid

  • Province

    Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Stroke is the leading cause of disability among adults and one of the three leading causes of death in North America. Intracranial aneurysm (IA) is one of the main subtypes of stroke and is a medical condition where the wall of a vessel in the brain expands, and fills with…

Mitochondrial calcium uptake and targeted therapeutics

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Heart and Stroke Foundation Grant-in-Aid

  • Province

    Nova Scotia

  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Stroke is the sudden death of brain cells caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain. Parts of the brain that enable us to walk and talk are often damaged most by a stroke. As a result, patients that survive a stroke frequently need assistance from others to take care…

Mechanisms of delayed death in stroke

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Heart and Stroke Foundation Grant-in-Aid

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Stroke is a major cause of death and disability. At present, there are no clear and effective therapies to aid the majority of patients who suffer stroke. The goals of the present research are to understand the stroke process and identify targets, which block brain cell death following an ischemic…

Role of ATF4 and P53 family transcription factors in the regulation of neuronal cell death

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    Heart and Stroke Foundation Grant-in-Aid

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Stroke is a leading cause of adult long term disability and the third leading cause of death in industrialized countries. Brain cell death following stroke leads to the loss of brain controlled functions such as speech and locomotion. Unfortunately, the factors that control brain cell death during stroke have not…

Synaptic mechanisms in post-stroke depression

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area

    StrokeMental illness

  • Competition

    Heart and Stroke Foundation Grant-in-Aid

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Stroke affects 17% of people worldwide and some estimates predict that it will soon become the most common cause of death worldwide. Post-stroke depression impacts a significant portion of patients that suffered from a stroke. The consequences of post-stroke are immense and are a severe impairment in the path to…