Current Funding Opportunities

2025 Huntington Society of Canada – Brain Canada Undergraduate Student Summer Fellowship

View the Request for Applications to learn more about this funding opportunity and how to apply.

Brain Canada in partnership with the Huntington Society of Canada are working to attract the brightest young scientists into the field of Huntington disease (HD) research and to facilitate meaningful HD research to clarify the biological mechanisms underlying HD pathology.  

In support of these goals, we are eager to announce the launch of the 2025 Undergraduate Student Summer Fellowship. These 8 fellowships will support undergraduate university students across Canada in pursuing research projects aimed at developing a better understanding of Huntington disease.  

This funding is intended to support research projects that are focused and achievable in a short timeframe, yet helpful in guiding future research in Huntington disease. 

In order to be eligible for this funding, projects must take place over a 12-week period between May and September, and undergraduate students must be working under the supervision of a Huntington disease researcher with a faculty position.  


 Deadline to submit Applications : April 11, 2025, 5pm ET 

Send completed applications and any questions to: 

View the request for Applications: here  

The application form is available at


Deadline for Receipt of Applications

April 11, 2025

05:00 pm ET

Call for Collaborative Research Projects on the Brain

View the Request for Applications to learn more about this program and how to apply.

Brain Canada and CQDM are joining forces to support interprovincial collaborative biopharmaceutical research and development (R&D) projects on the brain. This partnership creates a unique funding opportunity that brings together experts from academia and industry to support the development of platforms, tools and biopharmaceuticals that will pave the way for new advances in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders.

This award is intended for research teams with a minimum of two independent researchers, including a principal investigator from a research institution in Quebec and an independent researcher from a research institution in another Canadian province. They must work in close collaboration with at least one Quebec small and medium-sized enterprise (SME).   

The project’s budget must be between $500,000 and $1 million.  

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.  


Click here to view the Request for Applications. 


Deadline to notify CQDM of intent to apply: May 21, 2025 


Deadline for receipt of Applications: May 28, 2025, at 17:00 ET 

Full Application deadline:

May 28, 2025

05:00 pm ET

Deadline to notify CQDM of intent to apply:

May 21, 2025

04:00 pm ET

ALS Canada-Brain Canada Trainee Program 2025

View the Terms of Reference to learn more about this program and how to apply.

Brain Canada is delighted to announce its collaboration with the ALS Society of Canada (ALS Canada) to launch the ALS Canada-Brain Canada Trainee Program 2025.  

Both Brain Canada and ALS Canada believe that attracting the brightest young minds to ALS research will contribute to a succession plan for the Canadian ALS research community and will support compelling breakthroughs across the spectrum of brain-related disease.

A $315,000 pool of funds will be available for this program. Each Doctoral Award would be funded at $25,000 per year for up to three years, and each Postdoctoral Fellowship would be funded at $55,000 per year for up to three years. The funds awarded through this fellowship will be utilized to support the stipend/salary of the awardee(s).

All applicants should have demonstrated contributions to research which may or may not have related directly to ALS, but proposed future research and training must be ALS-related.

Doctoral Scheme

At the time of application, eligible trainees have applied to, been accepted for, or are within the first three years of a PhD program under the supervision of an investigator who holds an academic position at qualifying Canadian institution, defined according to CIHR guidelines.

Postdoctoral Scheme

Qualifying trainees currently hold or have secured a postdoctoral position under the supervision of an investigator who holds an academic position at a qualifying Canadian institution, defined according to CIHR guidelines.

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.

Deadline for receipt of Applications: April 2, 2025 at 13:00 ET

This program has been made possible by the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF), an innovative arrangement between the Government of Canada (through Health Canada) Brain Canada Foundation, and the ALS Society of Canada.

Deadline for receipt of Applications:

April 2, 2025

01:00 pm ET

2025 Huntington Society of Canada – Brain Canada Navigator Research Program

View the Terms of Reference to learn more about this funding opportunity and how to apply.

Brain Canada, the Huntington Society of Canada (HSC), and the River Philip Foundation are pleased to announce a new investment of $1.2M in Huntington disease research. 

Huntington disease, or HD, is a genetic brain disorder with physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. HD is often described as having elements of Parkinson disease, ALS, Alzheimer disease, and schizophrenia, all at the same time. One in every 7,000 Canadians has Huntington disease and approximately one in every 5,500 is at risk for developing the disease.  

“This funding will allow us to greenlight the most promising Huntington disease research projects in the country, supporting up to eight Navigator awards over the next three years,” says Shelly Redman, CEO of HSC. “We are so grateful to Brain Canada and the River Philip Foundation for their generous support. We are working together to achieve a world free from Huntington disease.” 


The River Philip Foundation has committed $600,000, which has been matched by Brain Canada, through the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF). This totals $1.2 million, translating into four two-year Navigator projects per year in 2025 and 2026.  


HSC’s Navigator Research Program is designed to provide funding for Canadian scientific research of direct and immediate relevance to Huntington disease. 


“We are committed to working toward a better future for those impacted by Huntington disease. The aim of this research program is to develop treatments that can prevent, or slow, and one day perhaps even reverse the progression of this disease. By partnering with the Huntington Society of Canada and The River Philip Foundation, we are proud to contribute to these vital solutions.”
– Dr. Viviane Poupon, President and CEO of Brain Canada 

Deadline for Letter Of Intent : April 30, 2025 at 17:00 ET

Deadline for receipt of  Full Applications: June  4, 2025 at  15:00 ET

Send Letters of Intent and applications to:

Questions may be directed to:

Deadline for Receipt of Lettter of Intent

April 30, 2025

05:00 pm ET

Deadline for receipt of  Full Applications

June 4, 2025

03:00 pm ET

2024 Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research

View the Request for Applications to learn more about this program and how to apply.

Brain Canada is pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research program. The purpose of the Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research program is to accelerate novel and transformative research that will fundamentally change our understanding of nervous system function and dysfunction and their impact on health. The ultimate goal is to reduce the social and economic burden of neurological and mental illnesses through prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment. 

Open to early-career investigators within seven* years of starting their first independent research position, the 2024 competition will support up to 20 grants of $100,000 over two years.  

*New: Brain Canada is implementing an extended eligibility window, in line with federal granting agencies, to account for delays to research caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. For eligibility details please refer to the Request for Applications.

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.

Deadline for receipt of Letter of Intent: December 2, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET 

Deadline for receipt of Full Applications: March 14, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET 

This program has been made possible by the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF), an innovative arrangement between the Government of Canada (through Health Canada) and Brain Canada Foundation, designed to increase support of brain research on behalf of Canadians, and maximize the impact and efficiency of those investments. The Fund supports the very best Canadian neuroscience, fostering collaborative research and accelerating the pace of discovery, in order to improve the health and quality of life of those who suffer from brain disorders.


December 2, 2024

05:00 pm ET


March 14, 2025

05:00 pm ET

Personnel Awards for Black Scholars

Brain Canada and Heart & Stroke are pleased to launch the 2025/26 Personnel Awards for Black Scholars

The objective of the competition is to increase the number of highly-qualified Black trainees across Canada committed to working in the fields of heart and/or brain research.

In the context of this award, heart and/or brain health research encompasses research addressing conditions, including neurological, that affect the cardiovascular and/or cerebrovascular health of people living in Canada. This could include research focused on prevention, treatment, and/or recovery related to heart conditions, stroke, vascular cognitive impairment, and mental health in relation to these conditions. 

2025/26 Master’s Personnel Awards for Black Scholars 

Brain Canada and Heart & Stroke are supporting the Master’s Personnel Awards for Black Scholars with a commitment of up to a total of $270,000.

The stipends awarded will be up to $54,000 CAD ($27,000 per year for up to two (2) years) enabling Black trainees to focus on their Master’s research studies and engage with mentors as part of their training.

Click here to view the Submission Guidelines.

Deadline for receipt of Applications: March 20, 2025 16:00 ET 

2025/26 Doctoral Personnel Awards for Black Scholars 

Heart & Stroke and Brain Canada are supporting the Doctoral Personnel Awards for Black Scholars with a commitment of up to a total of $480,000.

The stipends awarded will be up to $120,000 CAD ($40,000 per year for up to three (3) years) enabling Black trainees to focus on their Doctoral research studies and engage with mentors as part of their training.

Click here to view the Submission Guidelines.

Deadline for receipt of Applications: March 20, 2025 16:00 ET

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.

Should you have any questions, please contact

This program has been made possible by the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF), an innovative arrangement between the Government of Canada (through Health Canada), Brain Canada Foundation, and Heart & Stroke.

Deadline for receipt of Applications

March 20, 2025

04:00 pm ET

 Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars

Brain Canada and Heart & Stroke are pleased to announce the launch of the 2025/26 Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars.

The objective of the competition is to increase the number of highly-qualified Indigenous trainees across Canada committed to working in the fields of heart and/or brain research.

In the context of this award, heart and/or brain health research encompasses research addressing conditions, including neurological, that affect the cardiovascular and/or cerebrovascular health of people living in Canada. This could include research focused on prevention, treatment, and/or recovery related to heart conditions, stroke, vascular cognitive impairment, and mental health in relation to these conditions.

2025/26 Master’s Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars
Heart & Stroke and Brain Canada are supporting the 2025/26 Master’s Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars in committing up to a total of $270,000.

The stipends awarded will be up to $54,000 CAD ($27,000 per year for up to two (2) years) enabling Indigenous trainees to focus on their Master’s research studies and engage with mentors as part of their training.

Click here to view the submission guidelines.

Deadline for receipt of Applications: March 20, 2025 at 16:00 ET

2025/26 Doctoral Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars
Heart & Stroke and Brain Canada are supporting the 2025/26 Doctoral Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars in committing up to a total of $480,000.

The stipends awarded will be up to $120,000 CAD ($40,000 per year for up to three (3) years) enabling Indigenous trainees to focus on their Doctoral research studies and engage with mentors as part of their training.

Click here to view the submission guidelines.

Deadline for receipt of Applications: March 20, 2025 at 16:00 ET

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups. For more information please contact:

Deadline for receipt of Applications

March 20, 2025

04:00 pm ET

Recently Closed Competitions

Search the Directory

EU JPND 2025 Research Call on Health and Social Care Research focusing on the moderate and late stages of neurodegenerative diseases.

View the JPND Call for Proposals to learn more about this funding opportunity and how to apply

Brain Canada is partnering with CIHR Institute of Aging to support the EU Joint-Programme Neurodegenerative Disease (JPND) 2025 Research Call: Health and Social Care Research focusing on the moderate and late stages of neurodegenerative diseases.

Neurodegenerative diseases are debilitating conditions that lead to the progressive degeneration and death of nerve cells. Their likelihood increases dramatically with age. Worldwide, it is estimated that there are more than 50 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, the most common class of neurodegenerative diseases. This figure is expected to double every 20 years as the population ages.

This initiative aims to improve the well-being and social inclusion of individuals affected by these diseases through social sciences and humanities research. The research will address factors impacting social participation, dignity, and the development of accessible support systems.

Pre-proposal deadline

March 4, 2025

06:00 am ET

ALS Canada-Brain Canada Clinical Research Fellowship 2025

View the Terms of Reference to learn more about this funding opportunity and how to apply.

Brain Canada and the ALS Society of Canada are happy to announce the launch of the 2025 ALS Canada-Brain Canada Clinical Research Fellowship!

Specialized training of early career MDs in both clinical care and research skills related to ALS is crucial for building better clinical infrastructure across Canada. This fellowship is designed to support the further training of a clinician to develop the skills necessary to be a specialist in ALS and provide experience/training in clinical or basic research relevant to the field.

One fellowship of up to $200,000 CAD total is available for up to two years. A one-year fellowship of $100,000 CAD may be requested provided appropriate justification is included.

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.

Click here to view the Terms of Reference.

Deadline for Receipt of Applications: February 21, 2025 13:00 ET

Complete applications should be submitted via email to the ALS Canada Research Team (

This program has been made possible by the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF), an innovative arrangement between the Government of Canada (through Health Canada) and Brain Canada Foundation, and the ALS Society of Canada.

Deadline for Receipt of Applications:

February 21, 2025

01:00 pm ET

2024-2025 Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP) competition 

Together with the Alzheimer Society of Canada (ASC), Brain Canada is excited to announce the launch of the 2024-2025 Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP) competition. 

The ASRP provides grants and awards to support research in Canada that promises new insights into causes, risk reduction, diagnosis, treatment and management of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Brain Canada and ASC will be co-funding the following grants:  

  • New Investigator Operating Grants are designed to help launch the careers of outstanding researchers who are within the first six (6) years of their initial academic appointment. The ASRP will provide up to $200,000 for a period of up to four (4) years. Brain Canada Foundation will co-fund up to two (2) successful applications.
  • Proof of Concept Grants are designed to fund innovative, potentially high-risk, and high-reward research that pushes the boundaries of our existing understanding of dementia. The ASRP will provide up to $100,000 for a period of up to three (3) years. Brain Canada Foundation will co-fund up to twelve (12) successful applications.

Read the full ASRP guidelines here.

Results will be announced in the spring of 2025, and funding will be dispersed starting in the summer of 2025.

Application Deadline: November 4, 2024, at 5:00 PM EST 

Please note that applications to the Proof-of-Concept Grants were pre-screened through the submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI). The deadline to submit an LOI was July 24th, 2024, and only applicants who were invited to submit a Full Application are eligible to do so at this stage.  

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.

Should you have any questions, please contact

This program has been made possible by the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF), an innovative arrangement between the Government of Canada (through Health Canada) Brain Canada Foundation, and Alzheimer Society of Canada.

Full application due.

November 4, 2024

05:00 pm ET

Alzheimer Society of Canada – Brain Canada Knowledge Translation and Exchange Accelerator Grants

View the Request for Applications to learn more about this program and how to apply.

Brain Canada and the Alzheimer Society of Canada are pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 Knowledge Translation and Exchange (KTE) Accelerator Grants!  

The purpose of the KTE Accelerator Grant program is to help accelerate the dissemination of scientific findings on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias to various audiences beyond academic researchers.

KTE Accelerator Grants are designed to stimulate innovative and outside-the-box ideas that ensure research translates into implementation and eventually, impact. These grants provide researchers and trainees with the funding needed to develop KTE products relevant to their work in the field of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

Brain Canada and the Alzheimer Society of Canada have allocated $200,000 CAD to this program. Total grant amounts are flexible to accommodate the needs required to produce a range of KTE products, but the minimum budget allowed is $5,000 CAD and the total budget cannot surpass $100,000 CAD.

Who can apply? 

  • Current and past Alzheimer Society Research Program grant and award recipients
  • Current and past recipients of a Brain Canada funded grant focused on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias research
  • Principal Investigators that are current members of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA)

How to apply 

Click here to view the Request for Applications.

Click here to view the Application Requirements.

Application deadline: August 9, 2024, 5:00 p.m. EDT 

Should you have any questions, please contact

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.

This program has been made possible by the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF), an innovative arrangement between the Government of Canada (through Health Canada) Brain Canada Foundation, and the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

Application deadline

August 9, 2024

05:00 pm ET

Funding Alerts

By funding brain research, you are helping to transform cutting-edge ideas into better health outcomes for all people in Canada. To achieve maximum impact, Brain Canada leverages every dollar donated to brain research with matching government, partner, or donor funds.