Directory of funded grants

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586 results found

BIOTIC: The BIOmedical Translational Imaging Centre

  • Grant Type

    Platform grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    2015 Platform Grants

  • Province

    Nova Scotia

  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

Moving neuroscience research from the lab and turning it into a product is extremely challenging. Even the most groundbreaking technologies may never improve a patient’s life if the commercialization path is not successfully navigated. For small Canadian start-up companies with a great neurotechnology idea, the use of medical imaging to…

The McConnell Brain Imaging Centre: a Hub of Scientific Excellence for Translational Neuroimaging

  • Grant Type

    Platform grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    2015 Platform Grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

The McConnell Brain Imaging Centre (BIC) is a major platform and research centre entirely dedicated to brain imaging. It features 7 multimodal imaging core units (MRI, PET, MEG, EEG for humans and disease models), comprehensive high-performance computing and data storage resources, and prominent expertise in biomedical image and signal analysis. Overall, the McConnell Centre is home to…

Brain Tumour Registry of Canada

  • Grant Type

    Platform grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area

    Brain Cancer

  • Competition

    2015 Platform Grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

The proposed initiative will make every brain tumour count! We will enhance the Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) and brain tumour research capacity by providing data on an additional 40% of primary brain tumours diagnosed between 2010 and 2014 to the neurooncology community for the first time. The rationale for this…

Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery Clinical Trials Platform

  • Grant Type

    Platform grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    2015 Platform Grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

The overall goals of the Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery Clinical Trials Platform is to create a national network of stroke rehabilitation clinical trial sites, help train future researchers and test potential high impact new recovery approaches. Dr. Bayley and his team will do this by building upon their collective strengths including their strong, inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional research group, their standardized…

The Toronto Dementia Research Alliance (TDRA) Dementia Clinical Research Database: A Platform in Neurodegenerative Diseases

  • Grant Type

    Platform grants

  • Area of research


  • Disease Area


  • Competition

    2015 Platform Grants

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


  • Health Canada Contribution


Project Overview

The Toronto Dementia Research Alliance will establish a clinical research platform that will provide a consistent and efficient approach to managing research and clinical care in patients with neurodegenerative conditions. The platform will provide epidemiological data, track disease burden, fill gaps in medical evidence such as therapeutic effectiveness, performance measurement…