Directory of funded grants

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676 results found

Novel approaches to central nervous system white matter repair

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Competition

    Brain Repair Program

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Project Overview

Many nerve cells in the body are covered with a protective sheath known as myelin, which allows fast conduction of nerve impulses, and which is produced by two different types of cells called oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. Demyelination occurs when this protective covering is destroyed, resulting in impaired nerve function.…

Transforming research on chronic pain

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Competition

    Brain Repair Program

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  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Project Overview

Pain affects millions of people worldwide and has a profound negative effect on quality of life. Untreated pain is the most common cause of disability that impairs life. Acute pain is a normal sensation triggered by the nervous system to alert the body to an injury. Chronic pain, on the…

Mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal demise: Insights provided by Parkinson’s disease genes

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Competition

    Brain Repair Program

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Project Overview

Converging research efforts have recently identified five genes that are associated with familial Parkinson’s Disease (PD), a condition associated with severe motor dysfunction and loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. These genes include α-synuclein, Parkin, DJ-1, Pink1, LRRK2. It is striking that all of them have been linked directly…

Novel therapeutic strategies to repair brain abnormalities in psychiatric disorders

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Competition

    Brain Repair Program

  • Province

    British Columbia

  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Project Overview

Communication between brain cells is essential for normal brain function. Healthy brain cells are controlled through chemical messengers that stimulate or inhibit brain activity. Current theories indicate that psychiatric disorders such as addiction, schizophrenia, autism and mental retardation evolve from an imbalance of these chemical messengers leading to a disruption…

Harnessing beneficial aspects of neuroinflammation for regenerating the central nervous system

  • Grant Type

    Team grants

  • Competition

    Brain Repair Program

  • Province


  • Start Date


  • Total Grant Amount


Project Overview

This research project, led by Dr. V. Wee Yong from the University of Calgary, focused on the immune system, which is comprised of two major components, the innate and adaptive systems. Innate immunity is the first immune component to sense and respond to an injury. Indeed, a well-regulated innate immune…