Répertoire des subventions financées

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688 ésultat(s) trouvé(s)

A multi-centre, prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded endpoint (PROBE) controlled trial comparing acute cervical internal carotid artery stenting to no stenting during endovascular thrombectomy for anterior circulation stroke due to acute tandem occlusion: Endovascular Acute Stroke Intervention – Tandem OCclusion trial (EASI-TOC)

  • Type de subvention

    Team grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Accident vasculaire cérébral et lésion cérébrale

  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Subventions catalyseur : Recherche clinique sur l’AVC 2022

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


Aperçu du projet

Ischemic stroke occurs when a person suffers a sudden blockage of an artery in their brain. Severe strokes caused by blockage of large brain arteries are treated with a very effective mechanical clot-removal procedure called thrombectomy. However, there are still unanswered questions regarding certain subgroups of thrombectomy-treated stroke patients. One…

Adaptive Platform Trial to Investigate VArious ThErapies in Carotid-Associated Stroke (ACTIVATE-CAS)- Pilot Phase

  • Type de subvention

    Team grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Accident vasculaire cérébral et lésion cérébrale

  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Subventions catalyseur : Recherche clinique sur l’AVC 2022

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


Aperçu du projet

Carotid disease accounts for 10% of ischemic strokes and has high rate of recurrence of up to 30%-50%(1, 2). There is lack of adequate updated data on its prevalence, recurrence rates and treatment options. This is especially true for newly identified disease mechanisms like carotid web and low grade stenosis(3,…

The TeleTaCAS Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial

  • Type de subvention

    Team grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Accident vasculaire cérébral et lésion cérébrale

  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Subventions catalyseur : Recherche clinique sur l’AVC 2022

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


Aperçu du projet

Stroke happens to 62,000 people each year in Canada.2 Although most people survive their stroke, the brain damage that occurs can lead to problems with movement, vision, communication, swallowing, mood and thinking. Members of our research team were involved in the development of a new treatment to help stroke survivors.…

STARGATE (Sweet spoT for cArdiac Rhythm monitorinG After sTrokE) Pilot Trial: A pilot-feasibility randomized controlled trial

  • Type de subvention

    Team grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Accident vasculaire cérébral et lésion cérébrale

  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Subventions catalyseur : Recherche clinique sur l’AVC 2022

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


Aperçu du projet

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm disorder. Its name comes from the fibrillation (i.e. quivering) of the two upper chambers (atria) of the heart instead of a coordinated contraction, causing a rapid, irregular heart rate. This irregular contraction is ineffective, leading to the development clots in the…

Developing a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) based pH Mapping Tool for Clinical Stroke Assessment

  • Type de subvention

    Team grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Accident vasculaire cérébral et lésion cérébrale

  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Subventions catalyseur : Recherche clinique sur l’AVC 2022

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


Aperçu du projet

Acute ischemic stroke represents the vast majority of strokes. The priority in mitigating the impact is getting to hospital quickly. Once at the hospital we use medical imaging to determine the type of stroke and type of treatment. Medical imaging provides many measurements of brain tissue for the assessment of…