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2023 Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Mental Health

  • Disease Area

    Mental illness

  • Compétition

    Bourse de voyage Hubert van Tol

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


  • Contribution Santé Canada


Aperçu du projet

Catherine Hume, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Calgary, aims to better understand how and why cannabis influences eating habits. Catherine used the Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship to attend the 2023 Cannabinoid Function in the CNS Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC) in Barcelona, Spain.

2023 Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche


  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Bourse de voyage Hubert van Tol

  • Province


  • Date de Début


Aperçu du projet

Christopher Morrone, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, investigates the link between sleep and protein loss as predictors of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's Disease. Christopher used the Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship to attend the Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases (AD/PD) Conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

2023 Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Mental Health

  • Disease Area

    Mental illness

  • Compétition

    Bourse de voyage Hubert van Tol

  • Province


  • Date de Début


Aperçu du projet

Jesse Lacasse, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, investigates the link between major depressive disorder and hormonal contraceptive use. Jesse used the Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship to attend the 12th International Meeting for Steroids and the Nervous System in Turin, Italy.

2023 Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Accident vasculaire cérébral et lésion cérébrale

  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Bourse de voyage Hubert van Tol

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


  • Contribution Santé Canada


Aperçu du projet

Jimmy Li, a Master's student at the University of Montreal, investigates the risk of new-onset stroke in older people with epilepsy. Jimmy used the Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship to attend the 35th International Epilepsy Congress (IEC) in Dublin, Ireland.

2023 Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche


  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Bourse de voyage Hubert van Tol

  • Province


  • Date de Début


Aperçu du projet

Michael Fiorini, a Master's student at McGill University, investigates the application of stem cell-based single cell RNA sequencing across neurodegenerative diseases. Michael used the Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship to attend the American Society for Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, USA.