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2023 Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche


  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Bourse de voyage Hubert van Tol

  • Province


  • Date de Début


Aperçu du projet

Yi Ren, a doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary, investigates the role of retrosplenial cortex (RSC) parvalbumin interneuron (PV-INs) in Alzheimer’s disease related cognitive impairment. Yi used the Dr. Hubert van Tol Travel Fellowship to attend the Quantitative Super-resolution Microscopy Workshop in Calgary, AB.

Brain Awareness Travel Award

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Mental Health

  • Disease Area

    Mental illness

  • Compétition

    Brain Awareness Travel Award

  • Province

    British Columbia

  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


  • Contribution Santé Canada


Aperçu du projet

Elizabeth Gregory, a doctoral candidate at the University of British Columbia, investigates the effect of personalized cortical targets with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on major depressive disorder. Elizabeth used the Brain Awareness Travel Award to attend the 29th Annual Organization for Human Mapping (OHBM) Conference in Montreal, QC.

Brain Awareness Travel Award

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Mental Health

  • Disease Area

    Mental illness

  • Compétition

    Brain Awareness Travel Award

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


  • Contribution Santé Canada


Aperçu du projet

Laurence Dion-Albert, a doctoral candidate at the Université Laval (CERVO Brain Research Center), investigates sex-specific neurovascular changes underlying stress responses and human depression. Laurence used the Brain Awareness Travel Award to attend the 14th International Conference on Cerebral Vascular Biology (CVB) in Uppsala, Sweden.

Microglia and Vapourized Cannabis

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche

    Central Nervous System

  • Disease Area


  • Compétition

    Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids (CCIC) Neuroscience Fellowship in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research

  • Province

    British Columbia

  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


  • Contribution Santé Canada


Aperçu du projet

Microglia, the brain's resident immune cells, are vital for healthy brain function. This is partially accomplished through their interactions with the primary brain cells, neurons, and those cells' connections, synapses. Microglia are highly responsive to changes in the environment, including lifestyle factors, which can modify their functions and interactions with…

Brain-to-brain synchrony as a novel biomarker of dyadic intervention response in prenatally anxious/depressed patients and their infants

  • Type de subvention

    Capacity building grants

  • Domaine de recherche


  • Disease Area

    Mental illness

  • Compétition

    Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research

  • Province


  • Date de Début


  • Montant total du financement


  • Contribution Santé Canada


Aperçu du projet

Parent-child brain-to-brain synchrony is the coordinated interplay of brain activity between parent and child, which is believed to be evolutionarily important for strengthening bond formation. Thanks to recent advances, neuroscientists can now measure this brain-to-brain synchrony using hyperscanning (i.e., concurrent scanning of parent and child as they interact). High parent-child…